What Mask Filters Should We Sell?

As you probably know by now etee stands for everything touches everything else.  Our goal is that all our products come from the earth and return to the earth, meaning biodegradable, eco-certified ingredients (non-toxic) and plastic-free.

Now that we're in the middle of a Global Pandemic, we are challenged with the desire to stay true to our mission, while also providing the protection people deserve.

You see, while Our FaceMasks fit perfectly with this mission - they are made with GOTS certified organic cotton and they are reusable - it is recommended to use a filter to ensure the masks provide maximum protection.


So we've been looking at filter options and the quickest to get in stock, cheapest and most tested is the disposable/single-use PM2.5 multi-layer, activated charcoal filter (with layers of synthetic melt-blown fabric), BUUUUT it's single use and it won't biodegrade any time soon.


At the other end of the spectrum is a cotton filter that is more expensive, will take longer to bring to market and is not as proven. 

Reusable antibacterial cotton filter - set of 4 for $12.00USD. SLOW TO MARKET, BIODEGRADABLE, EXPENSIVE and unproven.


Another option that has been popping up in DIY circles is the Coffee filter.  It is - as yet - unproven, but it would be biodegradable and less expensive to produce.  

Disposable paper filter (coffee filter type) - set of 20 for $5.99. REASONABLE SPEED TO MARKET, BIODEGRADABLE, UNPROVEN

Soooo, with this in mind, we're feeling that in light of the Pandemic, it makes most sense to get the PM2.5 filter to market as quickly as possible while we continue to look into the more sustainable options; both from an 'ecological footprint' perspective AND from a functionality perspective.

We always LOVE to hear your perspectives though, and we read all of your comments and take everything you say into consideration, so....

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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  • Please look into a polyester felt filter (5 micron) – reusable and washable

    Naomi Goloff on
  • Make your masks and let the buyer add their own filter if desired. Honestly, the coffee filter or a used dryer sheet should suffice. That said, proven biodegradable filters for future use (exercise in pollution, etc) is not a bad idea.

    Jan Wall on
  • REUSABLE ANTIBACTERIAL COTTON FILTER as long as you can not blow out a match with it on.

    Melissa on
  • I agree that for social distancing cotton should suffice. PM 2.5 filters are for particulate matter (volcanic ash for example) and won’t help or be necessary for a viral pandemic. N95 filters would make more sense in the current circumstances to make it medical grade, or no filter at all if just for social distancing.

    Dr. Vivian Lugo-Eschenwald on
  • If the mask is for non-medical, social distancing use, I don’t see the need for any filter. It is my understanding that masks for this purpose is no so much to protect the wearer but for those around them. As another poster mentioned, two layers of closely woven cotton etc should be fine for that purpose. Also if the mask isn’t perfectly sealed to the face, air is getting around any filter.

    Andrea Pagliughi on

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