A few years ago, the Royal Irish Academy marked the 250th anniversary of the birth of Maria Edgeworth with a series of events in Dublin. She was a noteworthy novelist, essayist, and educator but you’ve probably never heard of her. I certainly hadn’t.
Recently, while doing some research on concepts of sustainability, the words “Waste Not, Want Not” came to mind. And that’s when I discovered Maria. That oft quoted adage was likely coined by her in her 1800 book of short children’s stories, The Parent’s Assistant.
Thanks to her, this was widely repeated throughout the nineteenth century as a reminder that economical use of resources pays off. We’ve heard it less in our throwaway society.
This is worth bringing up again as a reminder that we can’t keep hyperconsuming. Our waste stream is deplorable and our planet (and its people) is suffering as a result.
As a company, etee is on the case. We’re actively researching and developing plastic-free products that are less wasteful and most useful on the whole.
This concentrated formula comes in a compact form that doesn’t require any plastic packaging (unlike it’s liquid counterparts). And yet it’s made with the same chemistry as the best liquid color-safe shampoos. By using this bar, you won’t lose out on effectiveness but you will protect your hair against premature fading. And that means you’ll cut down on dye sessions. Waste not, want not!
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