Chewpaste Giveaway!

Hey team,

You know the drill, just put your answers in the comments below for your chance to win a 'smile care' gift set.  It includes

  1. 1 month's supply of chewpaste
  2. 1 bamboo toothbrush (with removeable head)
  3. 1 glass jar and two spools of floss

Here's the question: 

What is your biggest challenge in staying plastic free during COVID?

We'll pick 3 answers and get in touch about the prize.

Have an awesome day!

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  • Like so many others, grocery shopping without being able to use our reusable bags, which we’ve used for years. It was quite jarring to have had to abandon that for a time.

    AL on
  • I’m uncomfortable with how wasteful my workplace can be re: plastic hand sanitizer dispensers and single-use procedural masks (we’re a rehabilitation center). Thankfully, one of our departments made enough reusable masks to give 2 per employee.

    Sarah Maude Adams on
  • I have been able to stay plastic free pretty well, except for the grocery store. Reusable shopping and produce bags are not allowed. I asked about putting my items loose in the cart and loading them up at my car and they said no. They said it would like like I had I had not paid for my groceries and did not follow their protocol. Have been trying to use grocery paper bags, so I can reuse them for kid’s craft projects, wrapping gifts, etc.

    Karla Basore on
  • The biggest challenge about plastic free during covid is that I increased my online shopping which prevented my ability to choose how the item was wrapped

    Joan STraathof on
  • Definitely packaging from having to order more stuff online and having it shipped!

    Jess I on

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