Chewpaste Giveaway!

Hey team,

You know the drill, just put your answers in the comments below for your chance to win a 'smile care' gift set.  It includes

  1. 1 month's supply of chewpaste
  2. 1 bamboo toothbrush (with removeable head)
  3. 1 glass jar and two spools of floss

Here's the question: 

What is your biggest challenge in staying plastic free during COVID?

We'll pick 3 answers and get in touch about the prize.

Have an awesome day!

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  • The hardest change for me was going back to using plastic bags at the grocery stores. I live within walking distance from a few grocery stores and I quickly learned that the grocery stores did not want me bringing my “dirty” reusable bags into their stores, so I was forced to revert back to allowing them to put my groceries in plastic bags. What is worse is that, where I would normally fit all of my hand-held cart’s contents into one reusable bag, the store tends to space things out and use three plastic bags – such waste! I now have a stockpile of plastic bags…

    Serena N on
  • My biggest challenge was to find no package food like nuts, flour, tofu, etc. Also, because stores weren’t accepting glass bottles returns now i have tons of bottles and yogurt jars.

    Isabel Z on
  • My challenge is with items that are packaged in plastic containers or bags that has no plastic-free alternative that I’m aware of, such as vitamins (also naturopathic supplements), certain foods (fresh berries, grapes, cucumbers, lettuce, mushrooms), prescription medication, veterinary supplies for my cat, PPE for work (SO MUCH plastic garbage)… I get an organic farm basket every other week from Mama Earth, and they try to put things into little paper bags when they can, but fresh herbs, mushrooms, live spouts, cucumbers and berries are STILL in plastic (and that is not their fault). I reduce plastic where i can (I have a travel mug, water bottle, Diva Cup, metal straws, reusable grocery and produce bags, beeswax wraps, bar soaps, etc. etc.), but I get so discouraged when I come home with plastic grocery bags full of food that is over-packaged in non-recyclable garbage. It just feels like my personal landfill is growing every single day. Especially when I see the garbage that the loose produce is packaged in, and the skids of products wrapped around and around and around with cellophane. Even if I’m not bringing plastic into my house, I’m buying products that have been packaged at every step of manufacturing and distribution! …Ok I’m done ranting. Can we all just agree that plastic has INFILTRATED every aspect of our lives, and it will be a long battle to reduce our reliance on it??

    Meghan Von Holstein-Rathlou on
  • Being forced to wear plastic throw away gloves in some stores, and not being able to bring in my own containers. Also doing takeout instead of eating out, so often that means plastic containers, sometimes even cutlery!

    Kathy Bol on
  • My biggest challenge right now is cling wrap for all the cooking we’re doing

    Lu on

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